For some time now, we have had the opportunity to support iOS application development projects in the consideration of accessibility .
So we naturally made a consistent watch on the subject we want to share today in this short post.
Below you will find a list of links to resources that appeared qualitative in this respect. (We plan to feed this list as we make new discoveries.)
Accessibility Programming Guide for iOS
This resource is simply the official documentation proposed by Apple.
Very comprehensive, and with examples of supporting codes, it explains in detail the practices to be followed to guarantee the accessibility of its developments .
IOS Accessibility
This resource is in my opinion an excellent first approach to learn the protocol ” UIAccessibility ” .
This post explains in a clear and concise manner how to offer a good level of accessibility to its application iOS.
It also offers some initial information on how to test its developments with VoiceOver voice synthesis or how to check them with the ” Accessibility Inspector ” tool .
This resource is, to a limited extent, equivalent to that previously presented, but in English.
Supporting Dynamic Type and Supporting Dynamic Type for iOS 7 Apps
Less generic, these two resources explain how to make font sizes of your applications adapt to the user’s preferences .
Mobile Accessibility Guidelines
Finally, I could not finish this ticket without mentioning the excellent resource proposed by the BBC.
This resource, very complete, concerns the development of iOS applications but also of accessible Android applications.
One of these features (and in my opinion, its main strength) is that the recommendations are categorized as “User Experience”, “Developers” and Editors